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A strategic mapping path was developed in order to avoid interrupting established lead qualifying processes

Scanmarket Source-to-Contract, a solution by Unit4, revolutionizes procurement processes for businesses. Seeking to expand its reach, Scanmarket aimed to optimize lead generation strategies while aligning with Unit4's established processes.

The Challenge: Integrating Drift and Marketo to capture leads for Scanmarket without disrupting Unit4's lead qualifying processes posed a unique challenge. A tailored approach was needed to guide leads seamlessly to Scanmarket's Source-to-Contract solution while respecting the workflows of Unit4's CDRs.


INovate Consulting, led by founder Jason, collaborated closely with Unit4's Marketo developers to devise a strategic mapping path. They designed a Drift playbook tailored to guide leads directly to Scanmarket's three-point contact process, ensuring alignment with the product-specific pages.

Technical Implementation: To bypass standard qualification processes, specific variables in Drift were mapped to Marketo, Unit4's primary CRM and marketing automation software. This integration ensured that leads triggered by Scanmarket-specific Drift bots automatically qualified as MQLs, streamlining handovers to the Scanmarket team.


Through meticulous planning and collaboration, the project was completed well ahead of schedule. The process developed by INovate's Jason allowed Unit4's CDRs to maintain their existing workflows while doubling the influx of leads. The Scanmarket-specific Drift bots triggered exclusively on relevant product pages, seamlessly storing leads into Marketo CRM.


The successful integration of Drift and Marketo not only optimized lead generation for Scanmarket Source-to-Contract but also exemplified the power of collaboration and technical expertise. INovate's innovative approach, coupled with Unit4's commitment to streamlining processes, sets a new standard for lead generation efficiency in the procurement industry.

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